Commercial Contracting: Doing More With Less
Past Event
Commercial Contracting: Doing More With Less
November 1, 2022
Event Details

Speed and accuracy make strange bedfellows but, when it comes to commercial contracting, you have to find a way to do both. This is especially difficult when every department but legal is scaling fast (sigh). If you don’t have an army of contract lawyers, you can still stay speedy without letting anything fall through the cracks. How you ask? We got all the answers to that question and more at our latest event which was moderated by the Founder and CEO of How to Contract, Laura Frederick.

Contracting wizards Jasmine Singh, General Counsel at Binti, Jonathan Franz, Associate General Counsel (Head of Legal) at Crunchbase, Hayley Gonzales, Director, Commercial Counsel at Affirm, and Mike Molina, Vice President, Legal and Deputy General Counsel at Flock Safety, shared their hacks for doing more with less.


Hayley Gonzales

Director, Commercial Counsel

Jonathan Franz

Associate General Counsel (Head of Legal)

Michael Molina

Deputy General Counsel

Jasmine Singh

General Counsel


Melissa La Forest

Sales Director

Laura Fredrick

Founder and CEO

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