Money Mastery: Personal Finance for Lawyers
Past Event
Money Mastery: Personal Finance for Lawyers
April 8, 2023
Event Details

Personal Finance  - 2 words that fill most people with dread.

Our Head of Community Matt Margolis sat down with Douglas Boneparth (President, Bone Fide Wealth) and Tiffany Lee (former GC, Thrive Market) to demystify the whole thing.

We discussed:

  1. Control
  2. Equity
  3. Income protection
  4. Outsourcing

And Lawtrades? We're the largest marketplace for hiring freelance corporate legal talent with over 3000 vetted attorneys, legal operation professionals, paralegals and contract managers, an app to make tracking easy and world class 24/7 customer support.


Douglas Boneparth

President, Financial Advisor

Tiffany Lee

Former General Counsel


Matt Margolis

Head of Legal & Community

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