Every Wednesday morning we normally send you informative, entertaining stories about the intersection of law and tech. This week, we want to address the unrest coursing through America and share a message of support for everyone affected by structural racism and inequality and police brutality.
The killing of George Floyd ignited a movement, but the news of his death was all too familiar. The deaths of black Americans like Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Botham Jean, Eric Garner and Atatiana Jefferson have highlighted America's lack of equality and the fears and obstacles black people live with every day. As a minority-founded business, these issues matter deeply to us. We want to live in a country where everyone can enjoy the same freedoms, from having equal educational opportunities to being able to go for a jog without fear.
Change is long overdue. To build a better America, we must act now. We are donating to the following organizations and encourage you to do the same:
We also encourage and support all peaceful protests against racism and injustice. It is only through awareness, action and constant dialogue that America can become the equitable country it needs to be. Let's do this together.
The Lawtrades team,
Raad Ahmed
Ashish Walia
Amit Roopnarine
Bryan Ryu
Jerry Thomas
Olivia Chan
Nilesh Patel
Jared Stark
Elizabeth Cuccinello
Joseph Budd
Jordan Schwartz
Jon Hood
Patti Mefford
Paul Ryan
Josh Garber
Sonya Thomas
Alex Angarita
Susan Bell